A Year of Adventurous Reading: a decade of MacLehose Press

Introducing a year-long promotion, aiming to inspire bookshops, libraries and readers to make discoveries in international fiction, and to read beyond our shores.
Welcome to A Year of Adventurous Reading. This is a unique book club running throughout 2018 to celebrate ten years of MacLehose Press. Over the last decade, we have sought out the best literature from around the world and made it available in English translation. This year, we’re taking our readers on a journey through our backlist in ten books, and opening up the rich, wonderful world of international fiction. To join in, you can dip in to our list, or aim to read all ten with us; either way, join us on an exciting voyage to discover new voice, thrilling stories and fresh ideas.
Here is our list of adventurous novels in full:
February – Look Who’s Back by Timur Vermes, translated by Jamie Bulloch (Germany)
March – An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy (India)
April – The President’s Gardens by Muhsin al-Ramli, translated by Luke Leafgren (Iraq)
May – The Life of Rebecca Jones by Anghared Price, translated by Lloyd Jones (Wales)
June – A Naked Singularity by Sergio De La Pava (U.S.A.)
July – An Englishman in Madrid by Eduardo Mendoza, translated by Nick Caistor (Spain)
August – Mend the Living by Maylis de Kerangal, translated by Jessica Moore (France)
September – The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker, translated by Sam Taylor (Switzerland)
October – The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting, translated by Paul Russell Garrett (Norway)
November – The Bickford Fuse by Andrey Kurkov, translated by Boris Dralyuk (Russia)
You can find extra reading materials from our authors, translators and editors for each book here on our website as the year goes on, and you can join in discussions here, or over on our Twitter account – we’d love to hear from you! Tell us what you’re reading, or what you’ve been inspired to discover, using the hashtag #AdventurousReading. We’re excited to know what you think of our books, and where your reading will take you next.